This commit is contained in:
Strix 2022-05-08 02:34:16 +02:00
parent 69e5c1520a
commit 047b161a31
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: didier
GPG key ID: 01E71F18AA4398E5

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@ -4,23 +4,21 @@ class Logger {
/** Logger
* @param {{
* output: NodeJS.WritableStream,
* output2: NodeJS.WritableStream,
* output: NodeJS.WritableStream | {exclusivity: [level: string], stream: NodeJS.WritableStream, noColors: boolean},
* outputs: NodeJS.WritableStream[] | Array<{exclusivity: [level: string], stream: NodeJS.WritableStream, noColors: boolean}>,
* template: string,
* levelsColors: {[level: string]: string},
* historySize: number,
* onHistoryFull: () => void,
* argsPlaceholder: string,
* defaultLevel: string,
* dict: Map<string, string>,
* logFrom: 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'fatal'
* logFrom2: 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'fatal'
* dict: Map<string, string>
* }} options
constructor(options = {})
this.output = options.output || process.stdout;
this.output2 = options.output2 || null;
this.outputs = options.outputs || [];
this.template = options.template || "[{level} {timestamp}] {message}";
this.levelsColors = options.levelsColors || { // no same colors
debug: "\x1b[32m",
@ -39,12 +37,6 @@ class Logger {
this.alog("warn;", "History is full, dropping 25 oldest entries.");
this.history = this.history.slice(25);
this.logFrom = options.logFrom ? options.logFrom.charAt(0).toUpperCase() : "D"; // when to stop logging to output
this.logFrom2 = options.logFrom2 ? options.logFrom2.charAt(0).toUpperCase() : "D"; // when to stop logging to output2
// Order from least important to most: D, I, W, E, F
this.logImportance = {
D: 0, I: 1, W: 2, E: 3, F: 4
/** log
@ -98,11 +90,30 @@ class Logger {
if (this.levelsColors && this.levelsColors[level])
msg = this.levelsColors[level] + msg + "\x1b[0m";
//log (if important enough)
if (this.logImportance[level.charAt(0).toUpperCase()] >= this.logImportance[this.logFrom])
this.output.write(msg + "\n");
if (this.output2 && this.logImportance[level.charAt(0).toUpperCase()] >= this.logImportance[this.logFrom2])
this.output2.write(msgNoColors + "\n");
//log to output
if (
if (this.output.exclusivity)
if (this.output.exclusivity.includes(level)) ? msgNoColors : msg);
else ? msgNoColors : msg);
} else this.output.write(msg + "\n");
//log to outputs
for (let output of this.outputs)
if ( {
if (output.exclusivity)
if (output.exclusivity.includes(level)) ? msgNoColors : msg);
} else ? msgNoColors : msg);
} else output.write(msg + "\n");
//save to history