name = "packager" #*
description = "A package installation tool" #*
version = 1 # this can automatically be incremented when publishing by running `pkgr publish -i ...`
tags = [ "prod", "pkgr-spec-1" ]
type = "application"

arch = "x86_64" # this is automatically filled by `pkgr publish ...`

## dependencies
# you may use the following syntax
# "<version/tag>" or "<version/tag>,<version/tag>,..."

## bin
# Used for systems that don't want to build pkgs.
[bin] # binary files root

## bin.root
# bin.root specifies the root of the installed tree.
# anything in here will be overlayed on top of the system.
root = "/root" #*

## bin.checksums
# ** KEYS are relative to BIN.ROOT **
# ** VALUES are relative to PKG ROOT **
# checksums is used to perform checksums before install
# values may be paths or a uri. You may include variables.
# supported variables:
#  - @name
#  - @version
#  - @display_version
"/usr/bin/pkgr" = "https://ixvd.net/checksums/packager/@version"

## build
# Scripts will be copied to a custom root.
# After the pacakge is built, the install script is ran.
# After the install script the 	build directory will be deleted and an CTREE (changed tree) will be generated.
# Then the CTREE will be used to copy the files over.
build_script = "scripts/build" # relative to pkg
install_script = "scripts/install" # relative to pkg

base = "latest,stable" # selected by default

## pkgr.*
# packager is the official client but you may use other clients supporting the "pkgr v1 spec".
# other clients may offer extra functionality this must be put under "pkgr.*"

## pkgr.bootstrap
# This section is used for bootpkg. An edition of packager that bootstraps the full version.
# This exists so that packager is easy to install on anything!
# and only 1 release channel for pkgr
## any non-zero = installed
check_installed_commands = [
    "sh scripts/check_installed"

# any non-zero = fail
commands = [
    "sh scripts/bootstrap/download_latest @version /tmp/pkgr.pkg",
    "sh scripts/bootstrap/dirty_install /tmp/pkgr.pkg",
    "sh scripts/check_installed"