# pkgr PKGR is the main tool for the packager. ## Commands ### `pkgr install [--bin/--build] ` This command will download a package from the repository or the uri provided and install it. This command can also be used to update a package. ### `pkgr remove ` This command will remove a package from the system. ### `pkgr revert ` This command will revert a package to the previous version. ### `pkgr download ` This command will download a package from the repository or the uri provided into the specified path. ### `pkgr unpack ` This command will unpack a pkgfile into the specified output directory. ### `pkgr pack ` This command will pack a manifest and archive into a pkgfile. ### `pkgr list [-i]` This command will list all packages known or installed packages if `-i` is specified. ### `pkgr update` This command will update all packages.